When you admire others, you become one with them and the world loves you.

What did Frederick Lenz mean by:

When you admire others, you become one with them and the world loves you.


This quote suggests that admiration is a powerful tool for connection and unity. When we admire someone, we appreciate their qualities, achievements, or abilities, which leads us to understand and empathize with them on a deeper level. This understanding and empathy bridge the gap between us, making us feel as if we are one with them.

Moreover, the quote also implies that this admiration and unity attract positive energy from the world, causing the world to “love” us. This could be interpreted as people responding positively to our open-mindedness, empathy, and appreciation for others, thus enhancing our relationships and social interactions.

In today’s world, where division and conflict are often highlighted, this concept is particularly relevant. Admiration can serve as a binding force, fostering understanding and unity among diverse groups of people. Instead of focusing on differences and disagreements, if we choose to admire the positive qualities in others, we can create a more harmonious and supportive society.

In terms of personal development, this idea encourages us to adopt a mindset of admiration and appreciation. Instead of viewing others with envy or hostility, we should strive to admire their strengths and learn from them. This not only enhances our personal growth but also improves our relationships and overall well-being. It cultivates a positive attitude, which attracts positivity from others and the world around us.

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