We are miracles. So don’t deny yourself the miracle of happiness.

What did Frederick Lenz mean by:

We are miracles. So don’t deny yourself the miracle of happiness.


We are miracles. So don’t deny yourself the miracle of happiness” is a profound statement that emphasizes the inherent value and potential within each of us, and the importance of recognizing and embracing our capacity for happiness.

The first part of the quote, “We are miracles,” is a reminder of our unique existence. It highlights the sheer improbability of our existence, and the extraordinary combination of events and circumstances that have led to each of us being here, in this moment. It’s a call to acknowledge the inherent wonder and value in our existence.

The second part, “So don’t deny yourself the miracle of happiness,” underscores the importance of not just recognizing our potential, but also of actively pursuing happiness. Happiness, in this context, is not just a fleeting emotion, but a state of being, a fulfillment that comes from living authentically and fully. It’s a reminder that we have the ability and the right to seek joy and contentment in our lives.

In today’s world, this quote can be a powerful antidote to the pressures and challenges that we often face. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, to focus on our struggles and forget to appreciate the miracle of our existence and the potential for happiness that lies within us. This quote reminds us to pause, to appreciate ourselves and our lives, and to actively seek happiness.

In terms of personal development, this quote can serve as a guiding principle. It encourages self-love and self-acceptance, reminding us to value ourselves and our unique journey. It also emphasizes the importance of pursuing happiness as a key aspect of personal growth. This could mean different things for different people – it could involve seeking fulfilling relationships, pursuing passions, cultivating positive habits, or simply taking time to appreciate the small joys in life.

In essence, this quote is a call to recognize our inherent worth, to appreciate the miracle of our existence, and to actively seek and embrace happiness. It’s a powerful reminder of our potential and our right to live fulfilling, joyful lives.

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