Our awareness creates life. Life does not exist independently of perception.

What did Frederick Lenz mean by:

Our awareness creates life. Life does not exist independently of perception.


This quote, “Our awareness creates life. Life does not exist independently of perception,” suggests that our reality, our life, is shaped by our perceptions, beliefs, and consciousness. It implies that life isn’t an objective reality that exists outside of us, but rather a subjective experience that we construct based on our awareness or perception.

The first part, “Our awareness creates life,” suggests that our conscious thoughts, feelings, and perceptions shape our reality. It’s not merely about existing, but about being aware of our existence and the world around us. This awareness brings life into existence. It’s our consciousness that gives meaning to the world around us, transforming mere existence into a lived experience.

The second part, “Life does not exist independently of perception,” reinforces the idea that our reality is not an independent or objective fact. Instead, it’s a subjective experience that’s created by our perception. In other words, our experience of life is not a fixed reality, but rather a construct of our minds.

Applying this idea to today’s world or personal development, it suggests that we have the power to shape our reality. Our perceptions, beliefs, and consciousness can be altered, and thus, our reality can be changed. This is the fundamental principle behind cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, meditation, and many other personal development practices. They all aim to change our perception or awareness to improve our reality.

For instance, if we perceive the world as a hostile place, we will experience life as a constant struggle. But if we change our perception and see the world as a place of opportunities, our experience of life will change accordingly. Therefore, personal development is about expanding our awareness and changing our perceptions to create a better life.

Furthermore, in the context of the digital age, where virtual and augmented realities are becoming more prevalent, this quote takes on a new significance. Our perception of reality is increasingly being shaped and influenced not just by our physical environment, but also by the digital environments we interact with. Thus, our awareness or perception is creating new forms of life or reality in the digital realm.

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