It is very hard to perceive the future on a regular basis simply because the future changes.
This quote is saying that predicting the future is incredibly difficult because the future is not a fixed, unchanging entity. Instead, it is constantly in flux, shaped and reshaped by countless variables and decisions made in the present. Therefore, any attempt to perceive the future is bound to be inaccurate to some degree because we can’t predict every variable or decision that will affect it.
In essence, the future is like a moving target that is constantly shifting and changing direction. We can attempt to predict where it will be at a certain point in time, but the sheer number of factors that can influence its trajectory makes this an extremely difficult task.
Applying this idea to today’s world, we can see this in the way that technology advances at an exponential rate. For instance, a few decades ago, no one could have predicted the rise of the internet, smartphones, or social media. These technological advancements have drastically changed the future in ways that were unimaginable in the past.
In terms of personal development, this quote suggests that we should focus more on the present rather than worrying too much about the future. This is because our actions and decisions in the present are what will ultimately shape our future. Instead of trying to predict what the future will look like, we should concentrate on making the best decisions we can in the present, knowing that these decisions will influence the course of our future.
Moreover, this quote also implies that we should be adaptable and flexible, ready to adjust our plans and expectations as the future unfolds and changes. Instead of rigidly adhering to a specific plan or vision for the future, we should be open to new possibilities and opportunities that may arise along the way. This way, we can make the most of whatever the future holds for us, even if it’s not exactly what we envisioned.