What did Fred Rogers mean by: There’s always someone who is trying to help. - Fred Rogers Educator · USA Copy
+ Hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are. Explain Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024February 17, 2024, Fred Rogers, Be Who You Are, Choices, Hopefully, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ Love isn’t a perfect state of caring. Feraz Zeid, September 15, 2023December 24, 2023, Fred Rogers, Caring, Love, Perfect, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable. Feraz Zeid, October 5, 2023December 26, 2023, Fred Rogers, Conflict, Heal, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ You know, you don’t have to look like everybody else to be acceptable and to feel acceptable. Explain Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024February 17, 2024, Fred Rogers, Acceptable, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ I think of discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline. Explain Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024February 17, 2024, Fred Rogers, Children, Self, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ Play is really the work of childhood. Feraz Zeid, July 13, 2023December 12, 2023, Fred Rogers, Childhood, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors. Explain Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024February 17, 2024, Fred Rogers, Empathy, Love, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
+ To say that you are being carried is a declaration of enormous faith and hope. Explain Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024February 17, 2024, Fred Rogers, Declaration, Enormous, Hope And Faith, 0 - Fred Rogers Educator · USA
I sit at my window and the words fly past me like birds — with God’s help I catch some. - Jean Rhys Writer · Dominica
Like many a modern parent, I had no clear notion of how to help my most troubled child. - Jean Sasson
I am currently in Haiti to help the Haitian people in their reconstruction. - Jean-Claude Duvalier Politician · Haiti
In the North the first words are, Help me; in the South, Love me. Explain - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher · Switzerland
What I do know is that wondering why you survived don’t help you survive. - Jeannette Walls Journalist · USA
Certainly I think being an absentee farther helps in adding a layer of conflict. - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win. - Jeffrey Gitomer Author