It is much easier to seem fitted for posts we do not fill than for those we do.

What did François de La Rochefoucauld mean by:

It is much easier to seem fitted for posts we do not fill than for those we do.


This quote essentially suggests that it’s easier to appear suitable for roles or positions we don’t occupy than for those we do. The reason is that when we are not in a certain position, we can idealize it and imagine ourselves performing perfectly without the constraints and challenges that come with it. We can present ourselves as theoretically perfect for the job, because we’re not actually being tested or held accountable.

However, when we are in a role, our capabilities and shortcomings are laid bare. We have to deal with the reality of the situation, face the challenges, and our performance can be objectively assessed. It’s harder to maintain the facade of being perfectly suited because our actions, decisions, and results are there for everyone to see.

Applying this idea in today’s world, particularly in personal development, it encourages us to be realistic about our abilities and the challenges of a role. It’s easy to romanticize a job or position from the outside, but the reality can be much more complex and challenging.

In terms of career development, it’s a reminder to be prepared for the reality of a role, not just the idea of it. It suggests the importance of gaining real experience, learning from mistakes, and continuously improving, rather than simply imagining ourselves in roles that we’re not prepared for. It can also serve as a warning against overconfidence and underestimating the demands of a position.

In personal development, it can be a reminder that actual growth and improvement come from dealing with reality, not from fantasizing about what we could do in hypothetical situations. It encourages us to focus on improving our performance in our current situation, rather than imagining how well we could do in a different one.

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