Fortune makes our virtues and vices visible, just as light does the objects of sight.

What did François de La Rochefoucauld mean by:

Fortune makes our virtues and vices visible, just as light does the objects of sight.


This quote posits that fortune, or success, has a way of revealing our true nature, much like how light illuminates objects and makes them visible. It suggests that our virtues and vices, the good and bad aspects of our character, become more apparent when we are in a position of power or wealth.

This is because fortune provides us with opportunities and choices that we wouldn’t have otherwise. These opportunities and choices then become a kind of test, revealing what we truly value and how we treat others. For instance, a person who becomes wealthy might use their wealth to help others, revealing their virtue of generosity. Conversely, they might become greedy or arrogant, revealing vices of greed and pride.

Applying this idea to personal development, it suggests that we should not only strive for success, but also be mindful of how we handle it once we achieve it. It’s easy to let success go to our heads and start treating others poorly, but this only reveals negative aspects of our character. Instead, we should use our success as a platform to demonstrate our virtues and work on improving our vices.

In today’s world, we often see this idea played out in the public sphere. Celebrities and powerful figures are constantly under the spotlight, and their actions can reveal a lot about their character. For instance, some use their influence to advocate for positive change and help others, while others misuse their power, showing a lack of respect or empathy.

This idea also underscores the importance of not judging people solely based on their social status or wealth. Just as light can reveal both beautiful and ugly objects, fortune can reveal both virtues and vices. Therefore, it’s important to look beyond the surface and evaluate people based on their actions and character, rather than their material possessions or social standing.

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