What did Ezra Pound mean by: It is the business of the artist to make humanity aware of itself. - Ezra Pound Poet · USA Copy
+ Artists are the antennae of the race. Feraz Zeid, September 14, 2023December 25, 2024, Ezra Pound, Creativity, Inspiration, Perception, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ Literature is news that stays news. Feraz Zeid, October 30, 2023December 26, 2023, Ezra Pound, Book, Inspiration, Reading, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ Be not cheap or mediocre in desiring. Feraz Zeid, September 4, 2023December 25, 2024, Ezra Pound, Ambition, Quality, Value, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ The history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Ezra Pound, Art, History, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ Presentation, not reference. Feraz Zeid, September 17, 2023December 25, 2024, Ezra Pound, Appearance, Communication, Influence, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ Poetry must be as well written as prose. Feraz Zeid, July 11, 2023December 25, 2024, Ezra Pound, Comparison, Quality, Writing, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ What thou lov’st well is thy true heritage. Feraz Zeid, July 21, 2023December 25, 2024, Ezra Pound, Heritage, Identity, Love, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
+ Wars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Ezra Pound, Debt, Slavery, Wars, 0 - Ezra Pound Poet · USA
I’ve taught, and the first thing I did when I taught art, was not to teach art. Explain - Louise Berliawsky Nevelson Sculptor · Ukraine
Appreciation of art is a moral erection, otherwise mere dilettantism. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Lying is the only art form that the public sanctions and instinctively prefers to reality. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Film will only became an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Look out! Be on your guard, because alone of all the arts, music moves all around you. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Art is a language, an instrument of knowledge, an instrument of communication. Explain - Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
The real function of art is to change mental patterns … making new thought possible. - Jean Dubuffet Artist · France