Better to have bad news that’s true than good news we made up

What did Eric Ries mean by:

Better to have bad news that’s true than good news we made up


“Better to have bad news that’s true than good news we made up” is a statement that emphasizes the value of truth and authenticity, even when the truth is unpleasant or undesirable. It suggests that it’s more beneficial to confront a harsh reality than to live in a comforting illusion. The underlying principle here is one of integrity and honesty, and the recognition that only by acknowledging the truth can we address problems, learn, grow, and make meaningful progress.

In the context of personal development, this quote can be interpreted as an encouragement to face our own flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings. Instead of denying them or pretending they don’t exist, we should accept them as part of our current reality. This acceptance is the first step towards self-improvement. It might be easier to believe in a perfect version of ourselves, but this self-deception can prevent us from making the changes that will lead to genuine growth.

When applied to today’s world, this quote is particularly relevant in the era of “fake news” and misinformation. It reminds us of the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking. It’s easy to be drawn to news that confirms our pre-existing beliefs or makes us feel good, but it’s crucial to seek out accurate information, even when it challenges our worldview or makes us uncomfortable. This is how we can make informed decisions and contribute to a more truthful and transparent society.

Moreover, in business and leadership, this quote could be a guiding principle. Leaders may prefer to hear positive reports and forecasts, but false optimism can lead to poor decision-making and even business failure. Conversely, acknowledging bad news allows leaders to address issues head-on, make necessary changes, and ultimately strengthen their organization.

In summary, this quote is a call to value truth, authenticity, and integrity, whether in our personal lives, in society, or in business. It underscores the idea that real progress and growth come from facing and dealing with reality, not from hiding behind comfortable illusions.

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