What did Eric Harvey mean by: You earn the right to expect recognition by giving it! It’s that simple - Eric Harvey Consultant Copy
+ We judge ourselves mostly by our intentions, but others judge us mostly by our actions. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Eric Harvey, Intentions, Judgement, 0 - Eric Harvey Consultant
We find it easy to believe that praise is sincere: why should anyone lie in telling us the truth? Explain - Jean Rostand Biologist · France
Most of our distractions are designed to invite us away from this recognition, which is a good idea. - Leonard Cohen Singer-songwriter · Canada
Both of us were quiet with the recognition that something was ending, and something was beginning. - Lisa Kleypas Author
The power of recognition is one of the strongest forces for stimulating human and social action. Explain - Lowell Milken Businessman and philanthropist
But there is only one surefire method of proper pattern recognition, and that is science. - Michael Shermer Skeptic · USA
There’s a big difference between grabbing attention and rewarding attention. - Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
Everybody understood that if the proof is correct then no other recognition is needed. - Grigori Perelman