Envy someone an’ it pulls you down. Admire them and it builds you up. Which makes more sense?

What did Elvis Presley mean by:

Envy someone an’ it pulls you down. Admire them and it builds you up. Which makes more sense?


This quote by Elvis Presley suggests⁣ that the emotion we choose⁣ to respond with when‍ we see someone who⁣ has something we ​desire can‌ greatly affect our ⁤personal⁤ growth​ and state of mind. If ⁣we choose to envy them, we are focusing on what we lack and ‌this negative thinking can pull us⁢ down, causing us to feel inadequate and unhappy. Envy can lead to resentment, bitterness, and ‌even a sense⁢ of hopelessness, all of which can hinder our personal ⁣development and overall well-being.

On the other hand, if we ‍choose to admire them, we are focusing on ‍what we can learn from them or ‌aspire to be. Admiration is a positive emotion that can⁢ inspire us to work harder, strive for greatness, and improve ourselves. It builds us ⁣up by motivating ‍us‌ to ‍achieve our own goals and by ⁢reminding us of our potential.

In today’s world, this concept is particularly⁣ relevant. In the age of social⁣ media, we are constantly⁤ exposed‍ to the successes and achievements of others. It’s easy to fall into ⁢the trap of ‌comparing ourselves to others and feeling envious of what they have. However, this quote ‍reminds ⁤us that ‍we have the power to choose how we react to⁢ these situations. Instead of letting​ envy drag ⁢us down,⁢ we can choose‌ to admire ⁣the success of others and use it as inspiration ⁣to work towards our own ‌goals.

In ​terms of personal development, this idea encourages a growth mindset. Instead of seeing someone else’s success as a reflection of​ our own failures, we can see it as ​a learning opportunity. By admiring others,⁢ we can learn from⁣ their experiences, adopt their ⁢positive habits, and apply their strategies to our own lives. This not only ⁢helps us⁣ grow as individuals, ⁣but​ also​ promotes a sense of positivity and optimism, which are key to a⁣ healthy and happy life.

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