If quitting smoking seems hard right now, it is exactly what you should start doing

What did Eleanor Roosevelt mean by:

If quitting smoking seems hard right now, it is exactly what you should start doing


Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote, “If quitting smoking seems hard right now, it is exactly what you should start‍ doing,” is a powerful⁤ call to action that encourages⁤ individuals to confront ⁣their challenges head-on, even if ⁢they seem daunting. The quote uses smoking as a metaphor ‍for any habit or situation that might be harmful or detrimental ⁣to one’s well-being. The idea is that the ​harder the challenge seems, the more necessary it is to face it.

This quote is about more ⁣than just quitting smoking. It’s about the strength of will‌ and the​ courage required to change one’s life for the better. It suggests that the difficulty‍ of a task should ‌not deter one from undertaking it. Instead, the difficulty should⁤ be a sign that the ‍task is worth pursuing. It’s ‍a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and determination in the​ face of adversity.

In today’s world, this quote is incredibly‌ relevant. We are⁣ often faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, whether they be personal, ‌professional, or societal. Many people might feel ⁢overwhelmed by the enormity of these challenges and choose ⁢to ignore them or delay dealing with them. However, Roosevelt’s quote reminds us that it’s these very challenges that we need to tackle head-on.

In ⁤the sphere of⁢ personal development, this quote can be a powerful motivator. It encourages⁢ us to step out of our comfort zones and face⁤ our fears and insecurities. It⁢ could be something​ as personal as⁣ overcoming⁢ shyness, battling addiction, or even something‍ as common as trying to lead a healthier lifestyle. The principle remains the same: if it’s hard, it’s worth doing.

The quote also promotes a growth mindset, a concept that is ‍increasingly being recognized as crucial for personal development. A ​growth mindset is the belief that abilities and ​intelligence can ‌be developed through dedication and hard work. It’s the love of‍ learning and‍ resilience that​ is essential for great accomplishment. So, ​in essence, the quote is a call to embrace challenges, persevere ‌through obstacles, learn from criticism, and seek out inspiration in‍ others’ success – all hallmarks⁣ of a growth⁢ mindset.

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