We exist in a bizarre combination of Stone Age emotions, medieval beliefs, and god-like technology.

What did E. O. Wilson mean by:

We exist in a bizarre combination of Stone Age emotions, medieval beliefs, and god-like technology.


This quote speaks to the complex and often contradictory nature of human existence. The “Stone Age emotions” refer to our primal instincts and feelings, such as fear, love, anger, and joy, which have been hardwired into our brains since our earliest days as a species. These are the raw, unfiltered reactions that often drive our actions and decisions, even in a modern context.

“Medieval beliefs” can be interpreted as the various ideologies, traditions, and systems of thought that have been passed down through the generations. Even though we live in a modern, scientific age, many of us still hold onto beliefs that are rooted in superstition, religion, or outdated ways of thinking. This can lead to conflicts and contradictions, as these old beliefs often clash with our modern understanding of the world.

The “god-like technology” refers to the incredible advancements in technology that have been made in recent years. We now have the power to manipulate our environment, communicate instantly across vast distances, and access virtually all of human knowledge with a few taps on a screen. In many ways, our technological capabilities have surpassed our wildest dreams and given us powers that our ancestors would have considered divine.

The quote suggests that these three aspects of our existence – our primal emotions, our old beliefs, and our advanced technology – exist in a strange, often uneasy combination. We are creatures of emotion, guided by ancient beliefs, wielding the power of gods. This can lead to a sense of disconnection and confusion, as we struggle to reconcile these different aspects of our being.

In today’s world, this quote could be applied to a variety of situations. For instance, the ongoing debates about climate change can be seen as a clash between our Stone Age emotions (our instinctive fear of change and the unknown), our medieval beliefs (the idea that the Earth is ours to use as we please), and our god-like technology (the scientific knowledge and tools that could potentially help us mitigate the effects of climate change).

In terms of personal development, this quote serves as a reminder to strive for balance and integration. We should acknowledge and respect our emotions, but not let them control us. We should question our beliefs and be willing to update them in light of new information. And we should use our technology wisely and responsibly, remembering that just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.

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