Every present moment will offer itself as a window onto eternity, a doorway to the infinite.

What did Deepak Chopra mean by:

Every present moment will offer itself as a window onto eternity, a doorway to the infinite.


This quote is a profound reflection on the nature of time and our perception of it. It suggests that each moment we experience is not just a fleeting instance, but a gateway to a deeper, timeless reality. When we fully immerse ourselves in the present, we can glimpse the eternal and infinite, transcending the limitations of past and future.

The window and doorway metaphors imply that the present moment is an opening, a portal that allows us to access the eternal and infinite. This means that eternity and infinity are not far-off concepts or future destinations, but realities that can be tapped into at any moment.

In practical terms, this quote can be seen as a call to mindfulness, a popular practice in today’s world. Mindfulness is about being fully engaged with whatever we’re doing at the moment, free from distraction or judgment, and open to what life is offering us right now. By being fully present, we can experience a deeper, richer, and more meaningful life.

In terms of personal development, this quote suggests that growth and transformation are not just about striving for future goals, but also about deepening our engagement with the present. It challenges us to shift our focus from what we want to achieve in the future, to what we can experience and learn right now. This shift can lead to a greater sense of peace, fulfillment, and wisdom, as we learn to appreciate the richness of each moment and the lessons it offers.

Moreover, it implies that each moment holds the potential for profound insight and transformation. By viewing each moment as a ‘window onto eternity’, we can begin to see the bigger picture of our lives and our place in the universe, leading to a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

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