Bliss is not a feeling but a state of being. In the state of bliss, everything is loved.

What did Deepak Chopra mean by:

Bliss is not a feeling but a state of being. In the state of bliss, everything is loved.


This quote suggests that bliss is not merely a fleeting emotion or temporary high, but rather a sustained condition of existence. It implies that bliss is not something that comes and goes, but something that one lives in. This is a profound perspective as it challenges the common conception of bliss as a peak experience, suggesting instead that it’s a plateau where one resides, a fundamental state of being.

The second part of the quote, “In the state of bliss, everything is loved,” further expands on this idea. It suggests that when one is in a state of bliss, everything is seen through a lens of love and acceptance. This doesn’t mean that everything is perfect or that one is oblivious to the world’s problems. Rather, it implies a deep-seated peace and contentment that allows one to face the world with love, regardless of its imperfections.

Applying this concept to today’s world or personal development, it could mean striving to cultivate a state of bliss within ourselves, rather than chasing after fleeting moments of happiness. This might involve practices such as mindfulness, meditation, or other forms of spiritual or personal growth that foster a deep sense of inner peace and contentment. It might also involve developing a loving acceptance of the world and people around us, even when they don’t meet our expectations or desires.

In a world that often seems driven by dissatisfaction, striving for more, and a focus on the negative, cultivating a state of bliss could be a powerful antidote. It could help us to find peace in the midst of chaos, to love in the face of hate, and to remain content even when things don’t go our way. It’s about shifting our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right, and from what we lack to what we have. In doing so, we might just find that bliss is not something we achieve, but something we uncover within ourselves.

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