What did Dane Reynolds mean by: Thinking of holding back is blowing it more than pushing your hardest and falling. - Dane Reynolds Surfer Copy
What is the most challenging is the industry of fashion is pushing for speedy consumption. - Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Fashion designer · France
Whenever I took a step forward, it seemed as though life was pushing me five steps back. - Jenni Rivera Singer
I’d always had an interest of pushing my limits and was intrigued by endurance. - Jennifer Pharr Davis Hiker · USA
Whatever you cut when there’s no deadline isn’t really a cut. You’re just pushing colors around. - William Monahan Screenwriter
Running alone is the toughest. You get to the point where you have to keep pushing yourself. - Walter Payton Football player · USA
When the winds of life don’t hit your sails, you grab the oars of life and you start pushing. - Greg Plitt