Confucius say… politician is one who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.

What did Confucius mean by:

Confucius say… politician is one who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.


This quote by Confucius is a satirical commentary on political leaders, ⁣suggesting that they often promise much before⁢ they‍ are elected,‍ but then ⁤fail to deliver ​on those promises,⁢ thereby shaking people’s ‌confidence in them. It underscores the discrepancy between⁤ words ⁢and actions, a common criticism aimed at politicians who ​are known⁤ for their eloquent speeches and grand promises, ⁢but whose actions often do not match their words.

The handshake symbolizes a promise or an agreement, and shaking⁤ someone’s hand before the elections signifies the politician’s ⁣commitment to the voters. ⁣However, once elected, if the politician does not fulfill ​these​ promises, it leads to a loss of confidence in their leadership. ⁢This quote is⁤ a sharp critique​ of such political hypocrisy and unfulfilled commitments.

In⁣ today’s world, this idea ⁣is as relevant as ever.‌ With ​the advent of social media and the ⁢internet,​ politicians‌ can easily reach out to masses with their promises. However, the same platforms can also be used ⁣to hold them accountable for their actions post-elections. The quote is a reminder for⁤ the ⁤public to be ​vigilant and critical of political promises and to hold⁤ leaders​ accountable for their actions.

On‍ a personal level, ​this quote can be applied to ⁢our own⁢ actions and commitments.⁤ Just as we expect politicians to keep their promises, we should⁤ also strive​ to keep our own. ‌It highlights the importance of⁢ integrity and consistency ⁢between our words and actions. It serves as a reminder that trust, once lost, is hard‌ to regain. Therefore, whether‍ it’s in our professional or personal lives, we ‍should strive to keep our promises and maintain ⁣people’s confidence in us.

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