“This is now a covenant of pure grace; let no man attempt to mix works with it.” This quote essentially emphasizes the concept of grace, which in many religious contexts, particularly Christianity, refers to the unmerited favor or love of God. The idea here is that this divine love or favor (grace) isn’t something one can earn through good deeds or actions (works). It’s a gift freely given by God and therefore should be accepted as such without any attempts to add human efforts into the equation.
The term ‘covenant’ refers to an agreement, often used in religious context referring to promises made by God to humanity. So, when saying “This is now a covenant of pure grace”, it suggests that the relationship between humans and the divine has become solely based on this concept of unearned favor.
Applying this idea in today’s world could mean recognizing that some things are beyond our control and accepting them as they are rather than constantly striving or struggling. In personal development, it might translate into understanding that self-worth isn’t solely tied up with achievements but also comes from intrinsic value as human beings.
Furthermore, this notion could be applied towards practicing humility and gratitude. Humility in acknowledging that not everything can be achieved through hard work alone – sometimes luck, timing or other factors we don’t control play a part too. Gratitude in appreciating what we have been given without feeling entitled due to our efforts.
On another level, if you interpret ‘grace’ more broadly as kindness or goodwill from others then the quote could also suggest an appreciation for those acts of kindness we receive which aren’t necessarily earned – random acts of kindness from strangers for instance – again emphasizing humility and gratitude while discouraging entitlement.
the quote encourages us not only accept but also appreciate those aspects of life which come our way not because we’ve earned them but simply because they exist – whether they’re perceived as good or bad. This acceptance and appreciation can lead to a more peaceful, fulfilling life.