If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God.
This quote suggests that the key to spiritual renewal, or revivals, is a renewed respect and reverence for the teachings of the Bible, referred to here as the Word of God. It implies that a deep understanding and appreciation of these teachings can lead to personal growth, transformation, and a revival of faith.
The concept of ‘revival’ in this context does not necessarily mean an increase in religious activities or events. Instead, it refers to a profound change in individuals’ hearts and minds – an awakening or rebirth of their spiritual life. This kind of transformation often leads to positive changes in behavior and attitudes towards others.
‘Reverence for the Word of God’ means more than just reading or knowing about what’s written in the Bible. It involves deeply respecting its teachings as divine wisdom that provides guidance for life. This reverence implies studying it diligently, pondering over its meanings sincerely, applying its lessons faithfully in daily life situations.
In today’s world where there are many distractions and challenges to faith practices such as secularism or materialism, this quote could be interpreted as suggesting that people need to return back to basics – by valuing again what their sacred texts teach them about leading meaningful lives.
In terms of personal development too this idea holds relevance. Just like how physical health requires good nutrition; mental health requires good thoughts; spiritual health also needs nourishment through sacred wisdom from religious texts like Bible. A person who respects these teachings will likely cultivate virtues such as patience, humility, compassion which are essential for holistic growth.
Therefore ‘reviving our reverence for Word Of God’, according to Spurgeon’s quote might be seen as re-prioritizing our values system – placing spirituality at its heart again – so we can experience inner transformations (revivals) leading us towards becoming better versions ourselves.