I live in Jesus, on Jesus, with Jesus, and soon hope to be perfectly conformed to His likeness.
What did Charles Spurgeon mean by:

I live in Jesus, on Jesus, with Jesus, and soon hope to be perfectly conformed to His likeness.

This quote is a profound reflection of the speaker’s deep-rooted faith in Jesus Christ, and it encapsulates four distinct aspects of his spiritual journey: living in Jesus, on Jesus, with Jesus, and aspiring to be perfectly conformed to His likeness.

“Living in Jesus” signifies a state where one’s life is completely immersed in the teachings of Christ. It implies that every thought, word and action are guided by the principles laid down by Him. “Living on Jesus” suggests reliance on Christ for sustenance – physical, emotional or spiritual. It denotes a sense of trust and dependence on His grace for survival.

The phrase “living with Jesus” refers to an intimate companionship with Christ. This could mean constantly communicating with Him through prayer or feeling His presence in every aspect of life. Lastly, hoping “to be perfectly conformed to His likeness” means striving to emulate the virtues exhibited by Christ such as love, humility and forgiveness.

In today’s world or personal development context, this idea can be applied as follows: Living ‘in’ something represents being fully committed and dedicated; hence one should have clarity about their values which guide their decisions just like how living ‘in’ Jesus meant adhering strictly to Christian values.

Living ‘on’ something refers to relying upon it; thus we need reliable support systems (like family or friends) who can provide emotional sustenance during challenging times similar to how living ‘on’ Jesus indicated reliance upon divine support.

Being ‘with’ someone indicates companionship; therefore fostering healthy relationships that encourage mutual growth is essential much like how being ‘with’ Jesus referred maintaining a close relationship with God through constant prayers.

Finally aiming for conformity ‘to his likeness’ symbolizes striving towards self-improvement by emulating positive traits from role models just like aspiring ‘to be perfectly conformed’ implied imitating virtues exhibited by Christ.

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