Having made Jesus your all, you shall find your all in Jesus.
This quote encapsulates the essence of total surrender and complete faith in Jesus, according to Christian belief. It implies that when one fully commits to Jesus, making Him the center of their life, they will find everything they need within Him. This could mean guidance, peace, fulfillment or purpose – it varies for each individual.
The first part of the quote “Having made Jesus your all” refers to a person completely giving themselves over to their faith in Jesus Christ. This doesn’t just mean attending church or reading scripture; it means allowing one’s beliefs and actions to be guided by this faith at every moment.
The second part “you shall find your all in Jesus” suggests that once a person has fully committed themselves to Jesus, they will discover that He is able fulfill every need and desire they have. This does not necessarily refer to material needs or desires but can also include emotional needs like love, acceptance and peace.
Applying this idea in today’s world can be seen through personal development practices where people often seek external solutions for internal problems. Instead of looking outside oneself for validation or happiness (through wealth, status etc.), individuals can look within their own beliefs and values (in this case their faith) for fulfillment.
In terms of personal development, it encourages individuals not only to define what is important in life based on societal standards but also consider deeper spiritual values. By placing importance on internal growth rather than external achievements alone such as wealth or fame – an individual may find greater satisfaction and contentment.
Overall the quote suggests a journey inward rather than outward: finding completeness not from worldly possessions but from deep spiritual commitment. It promotes self-discovery through spirituality while challenging the idea that materialistic gain equates happiness.