The fey wonders of the world only exist while there are those with the sight to see them.
This profound quote by Charles de Lint suggests that the beauty, magic, and wonder of the world are subjective experiences. They exist only when there are observers with the ability or “sight” to perceive them. Simply put, our perception shapes our reality. if we don’t have the capacity to see or appreciate certain aspects of life, they might as well not exist for us.The term “fey wonders” refers to things that are magical, mystical, or extraordinary in nature. It could be anything from a breathtaking sunset, a piece of art that stirs deep emotions within you or even an act of kindness that restores your faith in humanity.
In today’s world where we’re frequently enough caught up in the hustle and bustle of life – deadlines at work, social media updates – it’s easy to overlook these ‘fey wonders’. However, this quote reminds us about the importance of mindfulness: being present and aware in each moment so as not to miss out on these beautiful experiences.Moreover, this idea can be applied personally as well. We all have unique talents and abilities which can remain hidden if we do not possess self-awareness or if others fail to recognize them. Just like ‘fey wonders’, our potential exists only when recognized and nurtured.
In terms of personal development therefore it is crucial for individuals to cultivate their own ‘sight’, developing their self-awareness and emotional intelligence skills so they can better appreciate themselves and what exists around them. This includes recognizing one’s strengths & weaknesses; understanding one’s emotions; appreciating one’s unique perspective; valuing diversity & differences among people around us etc., thereby leading a more fulfilled life.
so essentially De Lint’s quote encourages us all – individually & collectively – towards greater mindfulness & thankfulness for both ourselves & everything around us.