Fanatic is often the name given to people of action by people who are lazy.

What did Bryant H. McGill mean by:

Fanatic is often the name given to people of action by people who are lazy.


This quote implies ‍that those who are highly passionate and dedicated to ​their work or cause are often labeled as ‘fanatics’ by those who are less active or less motivated. The term ‘fanatic’⁢ typically carries a negative connotation, ⁢suggesting an excessive or ‌irrational devotion. However, from this perspective, the label may be more reflective of the critic’s ⁢lack of drive or commitment, ‍rather than the so-called fanatic’s exaggerated enthusiasm.

The quote​ suggests a disparity⁣ in perspectives – what one person may view as passion, another may see ​as obsession. ​This could stem from the observer’s unwillingness or inability to match the⁤ same level of intensity or commitment. Therefore,‌ they ⁢resort to labeling the passionate individual as‍ a ⁢fanatic, perhaps to justify their own inaction or​ lack of ​enthusiasm.

This idea is very much applicable in today’s world. ⁤For instance, in the workplace, employees ‍who work beyond ⁤their required hours or ⁣take on additional tasks might be seen ⁣as ‘workaholics’ or ‍’overachievers’ by their colleagues who stick to the​ bare minimum. Similarly, in ⁣the realm of social activism, those who ‍dedicate their lives to a cause may be dismissed⁢ as ‘fanatics’ by others who ​prefer a⁢ more passive stance.

In terms of personal development, this quote can serve‍ as a reminder to not​ let others’ perceptions or labels⁤ deter us from pursuing our passions. It encourages us to stay committed to our goals, regardless of how our dedication might be perceived by others. ⁣It also highlights the importance of understanding and respecting others’ levels of commitment and enthusiasm,​ and not ​to hastily label them based on our own standards or limitations.

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