Which would you part with first — your tobacco, your whiskey, or your religion?

What did Brigham Young mean by:

Which would you part with first — your tobacco, your whiskey, or your religion?


This quote is an exploration of personal priorities and values. It asks us to consider what we hold most dear and what we would be willing to give up if faced with a choice. The three items mentioned – tobacco, whiskey, and religion – represent different aspects of life. Tobacco and whiskey symbolize physical and sensory pleasures, while religion represents spiritual beliefs and moral values.

The quote invites us to introspect on our dependencies and attachments. Are we more attached to our vices (symbolized by tobacco and whiskey) than our virtues (symbolized by religion)? It also probes at the strength of our convictions. Would we sooner give up our physical pleasures or our spiritual beliefs?

In today’s world, this idea is still relevant. It can be applied in personal development as a tool for self-reflection and self-improvement. We might replace tobacco and whiskey with modern-day vices or distractions like social media, shopping, or unhealthy food. Religion might be replaced with our core values or principles. The question then becomes: What are we willing to give up to live a more fulfilling and authentic life?

This quote is a reminder that our actions reflect our priorities. It challenges us to align our actions with our values and to make conscious choices about what we truly value in life.

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