Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience.

What did Brian Tracy mean by:

Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience.


This quote, “Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience,” is essentially a reflection of the power of our thoughts and focus. It suggests that the things we consciously focus on or think about consistently have a significant impact on our personal experiences and perceptions of the world.

To understand this, consider the mind as a fertile garden. Whatever seeds (thoughts) you plant and nurture (dwell on) will grow and flourish. If you focus on positive, empowering thoughts, you’ll see that positivity bloom in your life. Conversely, if you dwell on negative thoughts, those will manifest in your experiences too.

This principle is deeply rooted in the concept of the Law of Attraction, which posits that like attracts like. If you focus on joy, success, and positivity, you’ll attract more of the same into your life. If you dwell on fear, failure, or negativity, you’re likely to attract experiences that embody those things.

Applying this idea in today’s world or in personal development involves conscious and deliberate control over one’s thoughts. For instance, if you’re aiming for success in your career, you should consciously focus on thoughts of achievement, competence, and growth. Visualize yourself succeeding, think about the steps you need to take to get there, and maintain a positive mindset. The more you dwell on these thoughts, the more they become part of your reality.

In a world often filled with negativity, this principle reminds us of the power we have over our own experiences. By consciously choosing to dwell on positive, constructive, and empowering thoughts, we can shape our experiences and ultimately, our lives.

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