If you want to be in network marketing, you have to be extremely literate online.
What did Brian Tracy mean by:

If you want to be in network marketing, you have to be extremely literate online.


This quote suggests that to be successful in network marketing, one must be highly proficient in using online platforms. This proficiency goes beyond just being able to navigate the internet. It involves understanding how to effectively use social media, email, and other digital platforms to connect with potential customers, market products or services, and build a network.

In the context of network marketing, being “extremely literate online” can mean a variety of things. It could mean understanding how to optimize search engine results to drive traffic to your site, or how to leverage social media algorithms to increase your content’s visibility. It could also mean being able to communicate effectively through digital mediums, understanding online etiquette, and knowing how to build and maintain relationships in a virtual environment.

In today’s digital age, this quote is even more relevant. With the rise of social media, e-commerce, and digital communication, online literacy is no longer just an advantage, but a necessity. It’s not enough to just have a product to sell; you need to know how to sell it in the digital marketplace. This involves understanding and adapting to the latest trends, technologies, and consumer behaviors.

In terms of personal development, this quote suggests that individuals should invest time and effort in improving their digital literacy. This could involve learning about digital marketing strategies, understanding the ins and outs of different online platforms, or even enhancing one’s technical skills, such as web design or coding. By doing so, individuals not only increase their chances of success in network marketing, but also become more adaptable and versatile in an increasingly digital world.

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