What did Brian Tracy mean by: Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential. - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada Copy
+ The true measure of the value of any business leader and manager is performance. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Business, Leader, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ All lasting wealth comes from enriching others in some way. Feraz Zeid, July 31, 2023December 12, 2023, Brian Tracy, Lasting, Wealth, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ Proper business planning demands that you focus on the self-interest of the customer at all times. Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Demand, Focus, Self, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ Decide upon your major definite purpose in life and then organize all your activities around it. Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Choices, Sports, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ The best words for resolving a disagreement are, “I could be wrong; I often am.” It’s true. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Disagreement, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ You have the ability, right now, to exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Accomplish, Levels, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ To overcome fear, act as if it were impossible to fail, and it shall be. Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Impossible, Overcoming, Swimming, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
+ Your competitive advantage must be perceivable, promotable, and something the market will pay for. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Brian Tracy, Advantage, Competition, Pay, 0 - Brian Tracy Entrepreneur · Canada
The constancy of the wise is only the art of keeping disquietude to one’s self. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
The most amiable people are those who least wound the self-love of others. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
It’s easier to fight one’s enemies than to get on with one’s friends. - Jean Francois Paul de Gondi Clergy · France
If self-knowledge is the road to virtue, so is virtue still more the road to self-knowledge. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany