What did Black Francis mean by: But the truth is that critics are by definition critical. That’s their job. - Black Francis Singer-songwriter · USA Copy
If you’re a good band then the filter of the band is pretty strong. Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Black Francis, Band, Strong, 0 - Black Francis Singer-songwriter · USA
+ It’s obvious you shouldn’t steal, kill or be cruel. Feraz Zeid, November 6, 2023December 28, 2024, Black Francis, Compassion, Ethics, Morality, 0 - Black Francis Singer-songwriter · USA
+ Wise is the tongue, wet of perfect thought. Feraz Zeid, September 9, 2023December 25, 2024, Black Francis, Clarity, Speech, Wisdom, 0 - Black Francis Singer-songwriter · USA
To express truth is to write naturally, forcibly, and delicately. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
The truth is ugly: we have art so as not to perish from the truth. Explain - Friedrich Nietzsche Philosopher · Germany
Definitions would be good things if we did not use words to make them. Explain - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher · Switzerland
There’s nothing I love more than a great truth-is-stranger-than-fiction story. - Jeff Feuerzeig Filmmaker
We must not let go manifest truths because we cannot answer all questions about them. - Jeremy Collier Clergyman · England
Truth is what will be steadily borne out by subsequent experience - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA