They say that these are not the best of times, but they’re the only times I’ve ever known.

What did Billy Joel mean by:

They say that these are not the best of times, but they’re the only times I’ve ever known.


This quote speaks to the concept of relativity and personal perspective. It suggests that our judgment of the present is often influenced by comparisons with the past or future, or with other people’s experiences. However, the only true reference point we have is our own experience. Therefore, even if others claim that these are not the best times, they are the only times we’ve ever known, and thus, they are our normal, our reference point, and our reality.

The quote also implies a sense of acceptance and resilience. It acknowledges that while the current situation may not be ideal according to some standards, it is the only reality we have to work with. Therefore, instead of longing for a different time or place, we should focus on making the best of what we have.

In today’s world, this quote can be applied in various ways. For instance, many people feel that the world is in a state of chaos, with the pandemic, climate change, political unrest, and other problems. However, this is the only world and time we know. Instead of feeling paralyzed by the enormity of these challenges, we can take this as an opportunity to adapt, learn, and grow.

In terms of personal development, this quote encourages us to focus on the present and to accept our current circumstances. Instead of comparing our lives to others or to some idealized past or future, we should work on improving our present situation. This could mean developing new skills, cultivating resilience, or simply learning to appreciate what we have. It’s about recognizing that growth and development happen in the present, not in an imagined better time or place.

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