Even the world, that despises simplicity, does not profess to approve of duplicity.

What did Bill Vaughan mean by:

Even the world, that despises simplicity, does not profess to approve of duplicity.


This quote is exploring the⁤ tension ⁢between simplicity and duplicity, two contrasting ⁣states of being. ⁢Simplicity refers to being​ straightforward, uncomplicated, and unpretentious, while duplicity refers to deceitfulness⁣ and double-dealing. The world, in⁤ this context, refers to society at large and its collective mindset.

The quote implies that society often undervalues simplicity, perhaps because it is seen as naive, unimpressive or unexciting. On‌ the⁢ other hand, duplicity is also not openly approved of, as it involves dishonesty and manipulation. Despite this, duplicity⁤ might be quietly tolerated or even rewarded in certain situations, such ⁤as in politics, business, or personal relationships, where being cunning and strategic can lead to success.

However, the⁤ quote is also‌ a critique of this societal attitude.⁤ It suggests that even though simplicity ‌might be undervalued and duplicity might be quietly tolerated, this does not mean that simplicity is‌ inferior or that duplicity is admirable. On the contrary, it implies‍ that there is a certain integrity and strength​ in simplicity that is lacking ​in duplicity.

Applying this idea in today’s world, we⁣ could​ argue that ‌we should strive‍ for simplicity in our lives and in our interactions with ⁢others. This could mean being honest and transparent, avoiding unnecessary complications, and valuing authenticity over pretence. In personal ⁢development, this could involve focusing on our true​ interests ⁤and values, rather than trying to⁤ impress others or conform to societal expectations.

It’s also a call to society to‌ rethink⁢ its values and attitudes.⁣ Instead of undervaluing simplicity and tolerating ⁣duplicity, ​we⁢ should appreciate the value of ⁣simplicity and condemn duplicity. This could lead to a⁢ more honest, authentic, and‌ straightforward society, where people are valued for their integrity rather than their ⁤cunning.

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