This quote by Bertrand Russell suggests that one of the primary motivations driving people towards philosophy is the quest for something unchanging and everlasting. In a world where change is the only constant, people often find solace in the idea of permanence, something that is not subject to the whims and caprices of time or circumstance. This pursuit of permanence, according to Russell, is a deep-seated instinct that pushes people towards philosophy as it offers a platform to explore eternal truths and principles that remain unchanged across time and space.
The concept of permanence here can be interpreted in numerous ways. It could refer to universal truths, moral standards, principles of existence, or even the quest for an understanding of what constitutes the ‘self.’ Philosophy, in its essence, is the study of fundamental questions about existence, reality, knowledge, values, reason, and more. It attempts to uncover the underlying principles that govern the world and our place within it – principles that are constant and unchanging.
In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, this idea is more relevant than ever. We live in an era of constant change and uncertainty, where technological advancements, societal shifts, and global events can swiftly alter our lives. In such times, the search for something permanent can provide a sense of stability and comfort. It can help individuals anchor themselves amidst the chaos and flux, providing a firm foundation upon which they can build their lives.
From a personal development perspective, this pursuit of permanence can be seen in the quest for core values or principles that guide one’s actions and decisions. By identifying and adhering to a set of unchanging principles, individuals can navigate through life with a clear sense of direction and purpose, regardless of external circumstances.
In conclusion, Russell’s quote emphasizes the inherent human desire for stability and permanence amidst the transience of life. Philosophy, with its pursuit of eternal truths, offers a means to satiate this deep-seated instinct. In the context of today’s world, this quest for permanence can be a tool for grounding oneself in times of change and uncertainty, and a guiding light in personal development.