The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.
What did Benjamin Franklin mean by:

The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.


“The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise” is a metaphorical expression that illustrates the idea that the most problematic or faulty part of a system or group is often the most noticeable because it causes the most trouble or commotion.

In the context of a cart, if one wheel is worse off than the others, it might squeak, rattle, or otherwise make more noise than the other wheels that are functioning properly. This doesn’t mean that the noisy wheel is more important or valuable, but rather that it requires attention due to its current state of disrepair.

Applying this concept to a social or professional group, the ‘noisiest’ person might be the one causing issues or disruptions. This could be due to a variety of reasons: they might feel overlooked, they might be struggling with the task at hand, or they might simply have a disruptive personality. However, just as the noisy wheel isn’t necessarily the most important wheel, the noisiest person isn’t necessarily the most important person. They are simply the one requiring the most attention at that moment.

In terms of personal development, this quote can inspire introspection. If we find ourselves being the ‘noisy wheel,’ it might be beneficial to identify why we’re causing disruption and address the root cause. Are we feeling overlooked or undervalued? Are we struggling with a task or responsibility? By acknowledging and addressing these issues, we can improve both ourselves and our group dynamic.

In today’s world, this quote is particularly relevant when considering social media and online communication. The loudest voices on these platforms often belong to those with the most extreme views or those who are most dissatisfied. However, it’s important to remember that these ‘noisy wheels’ don’t necessarily represent the majority or the ‘best’ opinions, but rather the ones that are currently requiring the most attention.

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