What did Benjamin Franklin mean by: The wise and the brave dares own that he was wrong. - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA Copy
+ It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. Feraz Zeid, October 30, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Accomplish, Bags, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Arguing is a game that two can play at. But it is a strange game in that neither opponent ever wins. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 27, 2023January 10, 2024, Benjamin Franklin, Games, Winning, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Tolerate no Uncleanliness in Body, Clothes, or Habitation. Feraz Zeid, June 5, 2023December 12, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Body, Clothes, Tolerate, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ He that’s secure is not safe. Feraz Zeid, September 20, 2023December 24, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Safe, Safety, Secure, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ The one who fails to prepare is preparing to fail. Feraz Zeid, October 11, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Failure, Preparing, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Where sense is wanting, everything is wanting. Feraz Zeid, September 25, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Wisdom, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality. Feraz Zeid, June 18, 2023December 29, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Time, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Don’t throw stones at your neighbors if your own windows are glass. Explain Feraz Zeid, April 13, 2023January 10, 2024, Benjamin Franklin, Hypocrisy, Judging, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
There are truths which one can only say after having won the right to say them. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
The constancy of the wise is only the art of keeping disquietude to one’s self. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
Numberless arts appear foolish whose secret motives are most wise and weighty. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
A wise man neither suffers himself to be governed, nor attempts to govern others. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
If it be true that a man is rich who wants nothing, a wise man is a very rich man. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
A vain man finds it wise to speak good or ill of himself; a modest man does not talk of himself. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
Let fools the studious despise, There’s nothing lost by being wise. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France