Seek virtue and of that posest, to Providence resign the rest.

What did Benjamin Franklin mean by:

Seek virtue and of that posest, to Providence resign the rest.


The quote “Seek virtue and of that posest, to Providence resign the rest” suggests that one should strive for moral excellence and goodness, which is within one’s control. Once you have done your best to cultivate virtue, you should then leave the outcomes to Providence, or a higher power. This is a call to focus on improving one’s character and moral fiber, rather than being overly concerned with external circumstances or material possessions which are often beyond our control.

The word “posest” is an archaic term for “possess,” which in this context means to acquire or attain. Therefore, “of that posest” refers to whatever virtue one has managed to acquire or cultivate. The phrase “to Providence resign the rest” suggests a surrender or letting go of all other concerns, worries, or desires, entrusting them to a divine power or the natural order of the universe.

In today’s world, this quote could be interpreted as a call to prioritize personal development and ethical behavior over materialistic pursuits. In a society often driven by consumerism and a relentless pursuit of wealth, this quote reminds us that virtue is of utmost importance. It encourages us to focus on what we can control – our actions, decisions, and attitudes, and to let go of what we cannot control, trusting that things will unfold as they should.

In terms of personal development, this quote emphasizes the importance of character building. It encourages individuals to seek moral and ethical growth and to not be overly concerned with external validation or material success. It suggests that by focusing on cultivating virtue, one can find peace and fulfillment, regardless of external circumstances.

Furthermore, this quote could be seen as promoting resilience. By focusing on what is within one’s control (virtue) and accepting what is not (the rest), one is better equipped to navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties. This perspective can lead to increased resilience, as it encourages individuals to focus on their own growth and development, rather than external factors that may be beyond their control.

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