What did Benjamin Franklin mean by: A full Belly is the Mother of all Evil. - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA Copy
+ Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults. Feraz Zeid, October 18, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Leadership, Love, Wise, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Practice makes perfect. Feraz Zeid, September 29, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Perfect, Practice, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Those who laugh often never grow old. Feraz Zeid, June 2, 2023December 12, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Growth, Laughing, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ What I am to be, I am now becoming. Feraz Zeid, September 11, 2023December 26, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Becoming, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Let the child’s first lesson be obedience, and the second will be what thou wilt. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 28, 2023January 10, 2024, Benjamin Franklin, Children, Lessons, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ She that paints her Face, thinks of her Tail. Feraz Zeid, June 14, 2023December 12, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Faces, Tails, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Who had deceived thee so often as thyself? Explain Feraz Zeid, March 23, 2023January 10, 2024, Benjamin Franklin, Self, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
+ Handle your tools without mittens. Feraz Zeid, September 14, 2023December 24, 2023, Benjamin Franklin, Tools, Work, 0 - Benjamin Franklin Founding Father of the United States · USA
If poverty is the mother of all crimes, lack of intelligence is the father. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
It is not badness, it is the absence of goodness, which, in Art as in Life, is so depressing. - Freya Stark Explorer · United Kingdom
Poverty may be the mother of crime, but lack of good sense is the father. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
A vain man finds his account in speaking good or evil of himself. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
The good, we do it; the evil, that is fortune; man is always right, and destiny always wrong. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
Though they may not always be handsome men doomed to evil posses the manly virtues. - Jean Genet Playwright · France
All women are born evil. Some just realize their potential later in life than others. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France
Cookery is naturally the most ancient of the arts, as of all arts it is the most important. - George Ellwanger