Any damn fool can build homes. What counts is how many you can sell for how little. Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024January 15, 2024, William Levitt, Fool, Home, 0 - William Levitt Copy
I’m drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist. - David McCullough Author · USA
The picture will have charm when each color is very unlike the one next to it. - Leon Battista Alberti Architect · Italy
Nothing can be meaner than the anxiety to live on, to live on anyhow and in any shape. - George Santayana
If you’re in a confined aircraft; when one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft. - Joe Biden Politician
The supreme purpose and goal for human life… is to cultivate love. - Ramakrishna Mystic and spiritual leader · India