The burden of life is from ourselves, its lightness from the grace of Christ and the love of God. Feraz Zeid, January 14, 2024January 14, 2024, William Bernard Ullathorne, Grace, 0 - William Bernard Ullathorne Copy
Whatever a man seeks, honors, or exalts more than God is the god of his idolatry. Feraz Zeid, January 14, 2024January 14, 2024, William Bernard Ullathorne, Honor, Simple, 0 - William Bernard Ullathorne Copy
Appreciation of nonviolence means patient research and still more patient and difficult practice. - Mahatma Gandhi Lawyer and political activist · India
The life I should be living had been mislaid through some clerical error by the cosmic bureaucracy. - Lev Grossman Author
You can’t just make yourself matter and then die, Alaska, because now I am irretrievably different. - John Green Author
Yet, when one thinks of it, diplomacy without force is a but a rotten reed to lean upon. - Joseph Conrad Writer · Poland
The methodologies are always different but the message should be the same. - T. D. Jakes Pastor · USA
Like my boy tells me; if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat. - Terrell Owens Professional football player · USA