A story isn’t about a moment in time, a story is about the moment in time. Feraz Zeid, January 13, 2024January 13, 2024, Walter D. Wetherell, Moments, Stories, Writing, 0 - Walter D. Wetherell Copy
Until you can see everything in the world as your friend, your work is not done. - Byron Katie Author · USA
Everyone starts at the beginning of the road, and the world is in an endless state of childhood. - Tayeb Salih Writer · Sudan
Death can be experienced once, winning maybe more, but losing can happen all the time. - Ron Howard Director · USA
To achieve your ethereal state, you have to expand your thoughtless awareness. Explain - Nirmala Srivastava Spiritual leader and founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation · India
Only one in four jokes ever works, and I still can’t predict what people will laugh at. - Steven Wright Comedian · USA
If I can fool a bug… I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs. - E. B. White Writer · USA
Discipline should amplify creativity rather than stifle it. - James C. Collins Business consultant · USA