When you get out of college, you think, “I’ve learned all I need to learn.” Feraz Zeid, January 13, 2024January 13, 2024, W. Earl Brown, College, 0 - W. Earl Brown Copy
Courage and confidence are what decision making is all about. - Mike Krzyzewski Basketball coach · USA
Women’s liberation is the liberation of the feminine in the man and the masculine in the woman. - Corita Kent Artist · USA
There was a point when I almost gave up. I couldn’t feed myself. I couldn’t feed my pets. - Eleanor Mondale Radio personality · USA
There is no more futile punishment than futile and hopeless labor. Explain - Albert Camus Author · France
If you hang onto something long enough, it will come back in style.. Like ME. - Burt Reynolds Actor · USA
I kind of feel like everybody knew anyway. I was on tour with a bubble gut! - Jennifer Lopez Singer · USA
I have always felt a gift diamond shines so much better than one you buy for yourself. Explain - Mae West Actress · USA