Ric Keller Quotes

  • Lawyer
  • 1964

Ric Keller is an American politician and attorney who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009. He represented Florida’s 8th congressional district and was a member of the Republican Party. Keller is known for his conservative views and was a strong ad…Read More

Ric Keller is an American politician and attorney who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009. He represented Florida’s 8th congressional district and was a member of the Republican Party. Keller is known for his conservative views and was a strong advocate for small government and fiscal responsibility. He also focused on issues such as education, healthcare, and national security during his time in office. Keller was the author of several notable bills, including the “No Child Left Behind” Act and the “Keller Amendment” which aimed to protect the rights of victims of sexual assault. He also served on various committees, including the House Judiciary Committee and the House Science Committee. After leaving Congress, Keller returned to practicing law and has remained active in politics as a commentator and consultant.Read Less

Ric Keller is an American politician and attorney who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009. He represented Florida’s 8th congressional district and was a member of the Republican Party. Keller is known for his conservative views and was a strong advocate for small government and fiscal responsibility. He also focused on issues such as education, healthcare, and national security during his time in office. Keller was the author of several notable bills, including the “No Child Left Behind” Act and the “Keller Amendment” which aimed to protect the rights of victims of sexual assault. He also served on various committees, including the House Judiciary Committee and the House Science Committee. After leaving Congress, Keller returned to practicing law and has remained active in politics as a commentator and consultant.

Ric Keller Career Highlights

  • Ric Keller is an American politician and lawyer who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009.
  • He represented Florida’s 8th congressional district, which includes parts of Orlando and its suburbs.
  • Keller was a member of the Republican Party and served on the House Judiciary Committee, the House Education and the Workforce Committee, and the House Science Committee.
  • He was also a member of the Republican Study Committee, a conservative caucus within the House of Representatives.
  • Keller was known for his conservative views and was a strong advocate for limited government and fiscal responsibility.

Key Contributions by Ric Keller

  • As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Keller played a key role in the impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton in 1998.
  • He also co-sponsored the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protects gun manufacturers and dealers from lawsuits related to the criminal or unlawful use of their products.
  • Keller was a vocal supporter of the War on Terror and voted in favor of the USA PATRIOT Act, which expanded the government’s surveillance and intelligence-gathering powers.
  • He was a strong advocate for education reform and co-sponsored the No Child Left Behind Act, which aimed to improve the quality of education in public schools.
  • Keller also worked to protect the environment and co-sponsored the Everglades Restoration Act, which provided funding for the restoration of the Florida Everglades.

What Sets Ric Keller Apart

  • Keller’s background as a lawyer gave him a unique perspective in Congress, allowing him to effectively navigate complex legal issues.
  • He was known for his strong work ethic and dedication to his constituents, often holding town hall meetings and listening to their concerns.
  • Keller was also known for his bipartisan approach, working with members of both parties to pass legislation that benefited his district and the country as a whole.


  • Ric Keller’s career highlights and key contributions demonstrate his commitment to public service and his strong conservative values.
  • He was a dedicated and hardworking representative who worked to protect the rights of gun owners, improve education, and protect the environment.
  • Keller’s ability to work across party lines and his legal background set him apart from other politicians and allowed him to effectively represent his district.
  • His legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of bipartisanship and the impact that one dedicated individual can have in shaping legislation and serving their constituents.
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