Pericles Quotes

  • Statesman
  • Greece
  • 495 BC

Pericles was an influential statesman and general in ancient Athens during the Golden Age. He is known for his leadership and contributions to the development of democracy, arts, and architecture in Athens. He oversaw the construction of the Parthenon and other notable buildings on the Acropolis. Pe…Read More

Pericles was an influential statesman and general in ancient Athens during the Golden Age. He is known for his leadership and contributions to the development of democracy, arts, and architecture in Athens. He oversaw the construction of the Parthenon and other notable buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles also led Athens during the Peloponnesian War against Sparta. He is remembered for his famous funeral oration and his promotion of the arts and education. His notable works include the establishment of the Delian League, which strengthened Athens’ power and influence in the region. Pericles’ legacy continues to inspire leaders and thinkers in modern times.Read Less

Pericles was an influential statesman and general in ancient Athens during the Golden Age. He is known for his leadership and contributions to the development of democracy, arts, and architecture in Athens. He oversaw the construction of the Parthenon and other notable buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles also led Athens during the Peloponnesian War against Sparta. He is remembered for his famous funeral oration and his promotion of the arts and education. His notable works include the establishment of the Delian League, which strengthened Athens’ power and influence in the region. Pericles’ legacy continues to inspire leaders and thinkers in modern times.

8 Best Pericles Quotes

Pericles Career Highlights

  • Rise to Power: Pericles came from a prominent family in Athens and rose to power in 461 BC, becoming the leader of the democratic faction in Athens.
  • Golden Age of Athens: During his time as a statesman, Pericles oversaw a period of great prosperity and cultural advancement in Athens, known as the Golden Age.
  • Military Success: Pericles was a skilled general and led Athens to victory in the First Peloponnesian War against Sparta.
  • Building Projects: Pericles initiated and oversaw many building projects in Athens, including the Parthenon, which became a symbol of Athenian power and wealth.
  • Strengthening Democracy: Pericles introduced reforms that strengthened the democratic system in Athens, including paying jurors and increasing the number of citizens eligible to hold public office.

Key Contributions by Pericles

  • Political Reforms: Pericles introduced several political reforms that increased the power of the Athenian people, such as paying jurors and increasing the number of citizens eligible for public office.
  • Cultural Advancements: Pericles was a patron of the arts and encouraged the development of literature, philosophy, and the arts in Athens, leading to the flourishing of the Golden Age.
  • Military Strategy: Pericles was a skilled military strategist and led Athens to victory in the First Peloponnesian War, securing its dominance in the region.
  • Building Projects: Pericles oversaw the construction of many iconic buildings in Athens, including the Parthenon, which became a symbol of Athenian power and wealth.
  • Diplomacy: Pericles was known for his diplomatic skills and was able to maintain alliances with other city-states, ensuring Athens’ dominance in the region.

What Sets Pericles Apart

  • Oratory Skills: Pericles was known for his exceptional oratory skills, which he used to persuade and inspire the people of Athens.
  • Visionary Leader: Pericles had a clear vision for Athens and was able to implement long-term plans for the city’s growth and prosperity.
  • Charisma: Pericles was a charismatic leader who was able to gain the trust and support of the Athenian people.
  • Strategic Thinking: Pericles was a strategic thinker and was able to anticipate and plan for potential challenges and conflicts.
  • Legacy: Pericles’ contributions to Athens and his leadership during the Golden Age left a lasting impact on the city and its culture, making him one of the most influential figures in ancient Greek history.


  • Pericles’ leadership and reforms strengthened democracy in Athens and set a precedent for future democratic governments.
  • His patronage of the arts and encouragement of intellectual pursuits led to a flourishing of culture and knowledge in Athens.
  • Pericles’ military successes and diplomatic skills solidified Athens’ dominance in the region.
  • His vision and strategic thinking were crucial in the development and growth of Athens during the Golden Age.
  • Pericles’ legacy continues to inspire leaders and thinkers, making him one of the most influential figures in ancient history.
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