Masaru Emoto Quotes

  • Author
  • Japan
  • 1943

Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) was a Japanese author, researcher, and entrepreneur known for his controversial work on the effects of human consciousness on water. He is best known for his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” (2004), which became a New York Times bestseller and has been transla…Read More

Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) was a Japanese author, researcher, and entrepreneur known for his controversial work on the effects of human consciousness on water. He is best known for his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” (2004), which became a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into over 30 languages.Emoto’s research involved exposing water to different words, music, and images, and then freezing and examining the water crystals under a microscope. He claimed that positive words and emotions resulted in beautiful, symmetrical crystals, while negative words and emotions resulted in distorted and ugly crystals. This led him to conclude that water has the ability to “memorize” and reflect human consciousness.His work has been met with skepticism and criticism from the scientific community, but it has also gained a large following among those interested in spirituality and alternative medicine. Emoto went on to publish several other books, including “The True Power of Water” (2005) and “The Miracle of Water” (2010).Despite the controversy surrounding his work, Emoto’s research has sparked important discussions about the power of human thoughts and emotions and their potential impact on the world around us. He continues to be a popular figure in the fields of holistic health and spirituality.Read Less

Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) was a Japanese author, researcher, and entrepreneur known for his controversial work on the effects of human consciousness on water. He is best known for his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” (2004), which became a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into over 30 languages.Emoto’s research involved exposing water to different words, music, and images, and then freezing and examining the water crystals under a microscope. He claimed that positive words and emotions resulted in beautiful, symmetrical crystals, while negative words and emotions resulted in distorted and ugly crystals. This led him to conclude that water has the ability to “memorize” and reflect human consciousness.His work has been met with skepticism and criticism from the scientific community, but it has also gained a large following among those interested in spirituality and alternative medicine. Emoto went on to publish several other books, including “The True Power of Water” (2005) and “The Miracle of Water” (2010).Despite the controversy surrounding his work, Emoto’s research has sparked important discussions about the power of human thoughts and emotions and their potential impact on the world around us. He continues to be a popular figure in the fields of holistic health and spirituality.

Masaru Emoto Career Highlights

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author and researcher who gained international recognition for his work on the effects of human consciousness on the molecular structure of water. He was born on July 22, 1943, in Yokohama, Japan and passed away on October 17, 2014, at the age of 71.Emoto’s career began in the late 1980s when he established the International Water for Life Foundation, which aimed to promote the importance of clean water and its impact on human health. He then went on to conduct numerous experiments and studies on water, which led to the publication of his groundbreaking book, “The Hidden Messages in Water” in 2004.

Key Contributions by Masaru Emoto

Emoto’s most significant contribution to the scientific community was his research on the effects of human consciousness on water. He claimed that human thoughts, words, and intentions could physically alter the molecular structure of water, leading to either positive or negative changes.His experiments involved exposing water to different words, music, and even thoughts, and then freezing the water to observe its crystal structure. Emoto believed that positive words and intentions resulted in beautiful and symmetrical crystals, while negative words and intentions led to distorted and chaotic crystals.

What Sets Masaru Emoto Apart

Emoto’s work was met with both praise and criticism from the scientific community. While some praised his research for its potential implications on human health and the environment, others criticized it for lacking scientific rigor and evidence.Despite the controversy surrounding his work, Emoto’s books and lectures gained immense popularity, and he became a well-known figure in the field of alternative medicine and spirituality. He also founded the Emoto Peace Project, which aimed to promote peace and harmony through the power of positive thoughts and intentions.


Masaru Emoto’s work on the effects of human consciousness on water remains a topic of debate and fascination. While his research may not have been widely accepted by the scientific community, it sparked important discussions about the power of our thoughts and intentions and their impact on the world around us. His legacy continues to inspire individuals to be more mindful of their words and thoughts and their potential effects on the world.

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