Joel Klein Quotes

  • Lawyer
  • 1956

Joel Klein is an American lawyer, author, and former government official. He served as the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education from 2002 to 2010, and was the United States Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice from September 2…Read More

Joel Klein is an American lawyer, author, and former government official. He served as the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education from 2002 to 2010, and was the United States Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice from September 2000 to August 2001. He is the author of several books, including The Truth About Choices: How to Make the Right Decisions in Life and Work (2009) and Lessons of Hope: How to Fix Our Schools (2013). He is also the co-founder and CEO of Amplify, an education technology company.Read Less

Joel Klein is an American lawyer, author, and former government official. He served as the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education from 2002 to 2010, and was the United States Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice from September 2000 to August 2001. He is the author of several books, including The Truth About Choices: How to Make the Right Decisions in Life and Work (2009) and Lessons of Hope: How to Fix Our Schools (2013). He is also the co-founder and CEO of Amplify, an education technology company.

Joel Klein Career Highlights

Joel Klein’s career in education began in 2002 when he was appointed as the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Prior to this, he had a successful career as a lawyer, serving as the Assistant Attorney General in the Clinton administration and as the Chairman and CEO of the media company Bertelsmann, Inc.As the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, Klein oversaw the largest public school system in the United States, with over 1.1 million students and 136,000 employees. During his tenure, he implemented several major reforms, including the creation of a new accountability system for schools, the introduction of school choice and charter schools, and the implementation of a new teacher evaluation system.

Key Contributions by Joel Klein

One of Klein’s most significant contributions was the creation of the Children First reform agenda, which aimed to improve the quality of education in New York City by focusing on accountability, choice, and innovation. This included the introduction of the Progress Reports system, which graded schools based on student performance and progress, and the implementation of the School of One program, which used technology to personalize learning for students.Klein also played a key role in the expansion of charter schools in New York City, increasing the number of charter schools from 17 to over 100 during his tenure. He also worked to improve teacher quality by implementing a new teacher evaluation system that included student performance as a factor in teacher ratings.

What Sets Joel Klein Apart

One of the key factors that set Joel Klein apart is his unique background and experience. As a lawyer and businessman, he brought a different perspective to the field of education, which allowed him to approach problems and find solutions in a different way. He also had a strong focus on data and evidence-based decision making, which helped him to implement effective reforms and initiatives.Another factor that sets Klein apart is his willingness to take on controversial issues and make difficult decisions. He was not afraid to challenge the status quo and push for change, even if it was met with resistance. This determination and boldness allowed him to make significant changes in the New York City public school system.


Joel Klein’s career highlights and key contributions have left a lasting impact on the field of education. His work in New York City has been studied and replicated in other cities and states, and his ideas and initiatives continue to shape education policy and practice. Some key takeaways from his work include the importance of data-driven decision making, the need for accountability and innovation in education, and the value of having diverse perspectives in leadership roles.In conclusion, Joel Klein’s career has been marked by his dedication to improving education and his ability to bring about meaningful change. His contributions have had a significant impact on the New York City public school system and have influenced education reform efforts across the country. His unique background, determination, and boldness make him a standout figure in the field of education.

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