Jim Sensenbrenner Quotes

  • Politician
  • USA
  • 1943

Jim Sensenbrenner is an American politician who has served in the United States House of Representatives since 1979. He is a Republican representing Wisconsin’s 5th congressional district. He is the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and is the former Chairman of the House…Read More

Jim Sensenbrenner is an American politician who has served in the United States House of Representatives since 1979. He is a Republican representing Wisconsin’s 5th congressional district. He is the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and is the former Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He is best known for his work on the USA PATRIOT Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Violence Against Women Act. He is also a strong advocate for civil liberties and has been a vocal opponent of the NSA’s surveillance programs.Read Less

Jim Sensenbrenner is an American politician who has served in the United States House of Representatives since 1979. He is a Republican representing Wisconsin’s 5th congressional district. He is the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and is the former Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He is best known for his work on the USA PATRIOT Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Violence Against Women Act. He is also a strong advocate for civil liberties and has been a vocal opponent of the NSA’s surveillance programs.

Jim Sensenbrenner Career Highlights

  • Sensenbrenner was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1978, at the age of 35, making him one of the youngest members of Congress at the time.
  • He has been re-elected 21 times, making him the second-longest serving member of the House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s history.
  • Sensenbrenner has served on various committees during his tenure, including the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
  • He has also held leadership positions, including Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee from 2001 to 2007 and Chairman of the House Science Committee from 1997 to 2001.
  • Sensenbrenner has been a strong advocate for conservative values and has consistently voted in favor of limited government, lower taxes, and a strong national defense.

Key Contributions by Jim Sensenbrenner

  • Sensenbrenner played a crucial role in the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He was the primary author of the legislation and worked closely with the Bush administration to ensure its passage.
  • He has been a leading voice in the fight against illegal immigration and has introduced several bills aimed at strengthening border security and enforcing immigration laws.
  • Sensenbrenner has been a strong advocate for protecting the Second Amendment and has consistently received high ratings from the National Rifle Association (NRA).
  • He has also been a vocal supporter of the pro-life movement and has introduced legislation to restrict federal funding for abortions.

What Sets Jim Sensenbrenner Apart

  • Sensenbrenner’s longevity in Congress is a testament to his ability to connect with his constituents and effectively represent their interests. He has consistently won re-election by large margins, indicating strong support from his district.
  • He is known for his no-nonsense approach and is not afraid to speak his mind, even if it means going against his own party. This has earned him respect from both sides of the aisle.
  • Sensenbrenner’s extensive knowledge and experience in various policy areas, particularly in the areas of national security and immigration, have made him a go-to person for his colleagues on these issues.


  • Jim Sensenbrenner’s career highlights and key contributions demonstrate his commitment to serving his constituents and advancing conservative values.
  • His leadership positions and legislative accomplishments have solidified his reputation as a respected and influential member of Congress.
  • Sensenbrenner’s ability to work across party lines and his strong stance on key issues have made him a valuable asset in Congress.
  • His longevity in Congress and strong support from his district are a testament to his effectiveness as a representative and his ability to connect with his constituents.
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