He’s the kind of player that is worth the price of admission. Feraz Zeid, January 18, 2024January 18, 2024, Jay Feaster, Admission, Player, 0 - Jay Feaster Copy
It’s always been said that when I can’t find a way to do anything, I will find a way to do it. - Michael Jordan Basketball player · USA
The masculine DOES while the feminine IS. Major in the feminine, but minor in the masculine. - Marianne Williamson Author · USA
I’ve long said that comic books are the modern equivalent of our Greek myths. - David S. Goyer Screenwriter
One principle must make the universe a single complex living creature, one from all. - Plotinus Philosopher · Egypt
It is hard to violate somebody’s privacy if the person is completely anonymous. - Dana Milbank Columnist
Missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. - Jeffrey R. Holland Religious leader · USA
Why was I condemned to live in a democracy where every fool’s vote is equal to a sensible man’s? - John Wyndham Writer