The issue of transsexualism is an ethical one that has profound social and moral ramifications. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janice Raymond, Issues, Moral, Profound, 0 - Janice Raymond Copy
Transsexualism itself is a deeply moral question rather than a medicaltechnical answer. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janice Raymond, Moral, Questions And Answers, 0 - Janice Raymond Copy
Art is not delivered like the morning paper; it has to be stolen from Mount Olympus. Explain - Wayne Thiebaud Painter · USA
The one who fights back retains his dignity and his self-respect. - Jeff Cooper Firearms instructor and author
Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age – as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. - Phyllis Diller Comedian
The salability of an item can often be improved while the value itself remains unchanged. - Roy H. Williams Marketing consultant and author
Animals are less alone with roaring than we are with all these words. - Margaret Laurence Author · Canada
When people consent to do something, they should be able to do whatever they want. - Rob Lowe Actor · USA
Change is uncomfortable, but necessary if we want to grow Explain - Russell Brand Comedian, Actor, Presenter, Activist · United Kingdom
[Kepler] preferred the hard truth to his dearest illusions, and that is the heart of science. - Carl Sagan Astronomer · USA