I wish I understood the beauty in leaves falling. To whom are we beautiful as we go? Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, David Ignatow, Beautiful, Wish, 0 - David Ignatow Poet Copy
I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life. Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, David Ignatow, Mountain, 0 - David Ignatow Poet Copy
The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share. Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, David Ignatow, Burden, Share, 0 - David Ignatow Poet Copy
Courage is of the heart by derivation, And great it is. But fear is of the soul. - Robert Frost Poet · USA
Hasty wrath and heedless hazardy do breed repentance late and lasting infamy. - Edmund Spenser Poet · England
Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare. - James Russell Lowell Poet · USA
O visionary world, condition strange, Where naught abiding is but only change. - James Russell Lowell Poet · USA
Quantum est in rebus inane! How much folly there is in human affairs. - Aulus Persius Flaccus Poet · Italy
Art is interested in life at the moment when the ray of power is passing through it. - Boris Pasternak Poet · Russia