Do you know how much damage we could do to each other in an hour? Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, David Bischoff, Damage, Hours, 0 - David Bischoff Fiction writer Copy
We never know which of us will start the chain reaction. But one of us will. - Colin Beavan Fiction writer · USA
The best way to renew thought is to go outside the human imagination. - Bernard Werber Fiction writer · France
Every time we mention the world, we must remember it is going to end. - Edwin Balmer Fiction writer · USA
Writers are in the entertainment business, and it gives me lots of pleasure to entertain my readers. Explain - Brian Lumley Fiction writer · England
Welcome thy neighbor into thy fallout shelter. He’ll come in handy if you run out of food. - Dean McLaughlin Fiction writer
Once there was a man who was afraid of his shadow. Then he met it. Now he glows in the dark. - Ben Loory Fiction writer · USA