No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies. Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, Daisy Bates, Enemy, Women, 0 - Daisy Bates Journalist Copy
Surely the world we live in is but the world that lives in us. Feraz Zeid, January 4, 2024January 7, 2024, Daisy Bates, Women, 0 - Daisy Bates Journalist Copy
By elevating your reading, you will improve your writing or at least tickle your thinking. - William Safire Journalist · USA
For some Chicago expats, food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation. - Mary Schmich Journalist
If you want to get people to believe something really, really stupid, just stick a number on it. - Charles Seife Journalist
God punishes us mildly by ignoring our prayers and severely by answering them. - Richard J. Needham Journalist · Canada
If you get people asking the wrong questions, you don’t have to worry about the answers. - Hunter S. Thompson Journalist · USA
LBJ held up Detroit as a model of what the Great Society could accomplish. He was right. - Mark Steyn Journalist · Canada