The single most important thing in coaching is turning out educated kids who are ready for society. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, Allen Newell, Coaching, Kids, Sports, 0 - Allen Newell Researcher Copy
The way you can understand all of the Social Media is as the creation of a new kind of public space. - danah boyd Researcher
Our language for describing emotions is very crude… that’s what music is for, I guess. - Ben Goertzel Researcher
The act of observing a quantum event probabalistically influences its outcome. - Dean Radin Researcher
Neither privacy nor publicity is dead, but technology will continue to make a mess of both. - danah boyd Researcher
Half of what we know is wrong, the purpose of science is to determine which half. - Arthur Kornberg Researcher · USA
Always be a beginner at something, and always be in love with what you are beginning. - Bill Buxton Researcher · Canada
The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday. - Bill Buxton Researcher · Canada